(Executive) Coaching


You are not on this page by chance, and chances are very good that we can help you. Ready for action?

Hundreds of clients have gone before you and achieved the positive results you probably have as a goal through coaching. They wanted: more fun, more success, more peace, more balance, more depth, better relationships or more work-life balance. In other words, making more conscious choices and being back in control of their lives and careers.

As exciting as it may seem now to make an appointment, you will feel great when the introduction has taken place. The “click” is very important and we look in advance to see which coach best suits you and your goals.

Great leaders find ways to connect with their people and help them fulfill their potential.

Coaching for executives

As a (top) manager, you are the point of inquiry for people around you. But how do you stay sharp yourself? To whom do you test your new ideas, your doubts? In your position at the top of the company, you are the contact person for many, the decision maker and also the one who inspires, who thinks about solutions to complex issues. But to whom can you turn for inspiration yourself? To whom can you turn to take a moment to reflect on the current situation and steps to consider for the future? Panthion’s executive coach is a professional conversation partner for you, helping you focus your strengths and energy. By organizing your thoughts, you are able to come up with refreshing ideas and new perspectives. The executive coach is skilled and experienced in the field of business and operations.

Executive Coaching aims to assist the top manager, entrepreneur and/or director in their unique interpretation of entrepreneurship and governance of the company. By asking critical questions, holding up mirrors, offering ideas, suggesting surprising angles. Both from a business and personal perspective. You broaden your horizons and learn to see surprising possibilities or solutions.

Why Panthion?

Jackling Engineering
Jackling Engineering
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"We asked Panthion to fill a position to temporarily underpin our team. Panthion presented us with enthusiastic interim professionals within three business days. In the end, our chosen professional was able to start within two weeks. Top-notch support!"
John van Lent
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"As an organization, we needed to fill an interim HR position. Panthion provided us with several top candidates within four working days. In the end, our #1 was able to start within a week. Time, attention and quality. I can definitely recommend Panthion as a partner for HR interim search. "
twee vrouwen in gesprek over het werk

Panthion as a partner

Panthion is your partner, not a supplier. All of our services are tailored to the needs of employees and organization. Quality is important to us and customization is the rule, not the exception.

We go to great lengths to satisfy our clients and our work is our passion. This is reflected in our commitment to the people and organizations for whom we work.

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"Not just help, just another way of looking at work. Great conversations, tips and tricks and a down-to-earth view of the job market. Just what I needed. Not just a critical look at resume and letter, but setting a goal, a focus. What are you best at? For me, very useful, but you are and remain responsible yourself. "
"5 stars! Thickly deserved!!! I have been helped fantastically by Panthion. They not only helped me write application letters, because yes, how did that work, but also always a listening ear. Advice and heart in abundance. Have now found a nice interesting job. Because of my coach at Panthion, I have always continued to believe in myself. Thank you!"
"After a reorganization, our HR team had to be reshaped. Panthion not only successfully redeployed much of our "old" team, but also found three new candidates who will shape our HR team of the future. To the great satisfaction of management and staff."
"The coach offered to me through Panthion was a very patient and professional coach. I therefore went through the career path with great pleasure and new insights. My coach was very helpful, resourceful, very positive. This very much contributed to the trajectory. A real people person with good knowledge!"
"Because I was offered a new position with my employer during the process, the outplacement process was converted into a coaching process. Because of this, I can't give suggestions that are helpful to you. I had a particularly good time during our sessions, for which my heartfelt thanks. Rating : 9"
"I transferred from a municipality through a one-year mobility shift. Within seven months, Panthion placed me with a new employer. This really should have happened to me years earlier...."

Wondering what we can do for you?

Make an appointment today for an introduction without obligation!


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