Sustainable employability

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Sustainably employable employees know how to adapt to constantly changing circumstances. What benefits does sustainable employability have for you as a business owner and how do you promote it within your company?

The rising state pension age makes it necessary for Dutch people to work longer and longer. To make this possible, they need to be and remain employable for (different) employers for longer. The focus here is on good, motivated and healthy work.

Companies and organizations that work on the health, engagement and development of their employees often reap immediate benefits.

It increases job satisfaction, reduces absenteeism and increases work productivity. People will work longer and longer, and the average age in the workplace is rising. At the same time, economic and technological developments demand agility from organizations. Employers and employees who make sure they stay fit for the ever faster changing work are on the path to sustainable employability. As an organization, how can you organize Sustainable Employability so that you can not only react, but also anticipate? Benefits investing in sustainable employability:

  • Less absenteeism: a 1 percent drop in absenteeism rate yields about €41,000 annually for a company with 100 employees;
  • Higher labor productivity: another benefit of sustainable employability is higher labor productivity. In a company with 100 employees, a 1 percent increase in productivity is enough for a revenue increase of about 95,000 euros per year.

Sustainable employability measures.

You can promote sustainable employability in a myriad of ways. These are some measures you can take:

  • Have a good conversation: sustainable employability starts with a good conversation with your staff. In such a conversation, you not only talk about performance, but also about employability. For example, you discuss with an employee whether he is fit to do his current job, whether he is still motivated and whether he lacks important knowledge or skills. It’s about encouraging employees to work on this themselves;
  • Have a good health and safety policy: A good health and safety policy will prevent your employees from dropping out early. Therefore, be aware of the risks present and try to get ahead of problems. For example, a workplace assessment helps you prevent back, neck and shoulder pain. If necessary, you can offer additional facilities for prevention, such as a smoking cessation course or a subscription to the gym;
  • Offer a health check: an annual health check monitors employees’ health. This helps them keep their jobs healthy;

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Why Panthion?

Jackling Engineering
Jackling Engineering
"We asked Panthion to fill a position to temporarily underpin our team. Panthion presented us with enthusiastic interim professionals within three business days. In the end, our chosen professional was able to start within two weeks. Top-notch support!"
John van Lent
"As an organization, we needed to fill an interim HR position. Panthion provided us with several top candidates within four working days. In the end, our #1 was able to start within a week. Time, attention and quality. I can definitely recommend Panthion as a partner for HR interim search. "
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Panthion as a partner

Panthion is your partner, not a supplier. All of our services are tailored to the needs of employees and organization. Quality is important to us and customization is the rule, not the exception.

We go to great lengths to satisfy our clients and our work is our passion. This is reflected in our commitment to the people and organizations for whom we work.

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"I want to thank Panthion very much for all the support and help they have given me, because I had a hard time and I am doing much better now. The psychologist I was also seeing has contributed little or nothing to my recovery in my opinion. Panthion was really the party that gave me the right handles to get me through."
"I transferred from a municipality through a one-year mobility shift. Within seven months, Panthion placed me with a new employer. This really should have happened to me years earlier...."
"About Panthion's leadership training: It was a nice day with a pleasant group. The training gave me insights and concrete tools. Thank you for organizing this training and the aftercare moments. All in all, incredibly educational. Nice to experience how the trainer can create an environment where you can feel safe enough to share personal / not everyday issues with the group. It was an inspiring journey. "
"I know Rik as a humble, well-qualified professional with an eye for detail. Actively involved in what is necessary, without being in the foreground, but clearly keeping the intended goal in mind. I have found the conversations from Panthion to be positively inspiring. My coach gave me a beautiful mirror through these conversations and assignments. I look back fondly on our discussions held and am pleased with the results achieved."
"As an organization, we needed to fill an interim HR position. Panthion provided us with several top candidates within four business days. Finally, our No. 1 was able to start within a week. Time, attention and quality. I can definitely recommend Panthion as a partner for HR interim search."
"I liked the outplacement process at Panthion. The practical and goal-oriented approach helped me well in making the right choices in my job search and prepared me well for my job applications. Eventually, this quickly led to a new job. Ultimately, of course, you have to do it yourself, but Panthion helps you get started well, and gets you thinking differently about what is important to you and your career."

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