Cause & solution
Burnout is definitely not hype! Burnout is the final stage of a prolonged period of stress and (over)tension. This causes you to suffer from both physical and mental exhaustion. You literally feel “burned out. So burnout is not only a psychological problem, but also clearly felt in your body. Burnout is not only caused by work stress, but also arises from tension in the private sphere. Often it is the combination of the two that becomes too much for you. Not only adults can experience burnout, but so can young people. In burnout, often both your physical and mental energy reserves are completely “burned out. You find that in the beginning you can often deal with this. For example, you work through fatigue. After a while, this no longer works, and even the most mundane tasks are an immense task.
Is there a solution?
Let’s start by mentioning that there certainly is. There are a number of success factors that can significantly shorten the burnout term. More on this later. Of course, we can start with a wonderful marketing-type story, but bad masters make stinking wounds…. In practice, we find that it is mostly about making choices: what is and what feels right for me. Unfortunately, we are often called only when situations are really “out of control.”
- Sleepless nights and loss of concentration from not being able to manage work;
- Physical complaints (neck, shoulders, headaches) and/or panic attacks;
- Repeated sick call without actual resolution;
- Conflict situations at work;
- Psychological problems caused by prolonged working alone at home.
(H)acknowledging that something is not going well (in work and/or private life), however cliché, is the first step. Then you will probably be there in time and measures can be taken. Discuss issues at home and at work and be open about what is going on. If you have already fallen into burnout, we offer customized counseling that includes structure, daily routine, nutrition, energy balance, feeling useful and outdoor exercise. The foundation we bring back in order with you. We also explore the causes together, look at “understanding and accepting” and work toward a solution. 86% of the employees we counsel for burnout return to work (partially) within three months. Want to read how we do it? Read more about that on the“Counseling for Burnout” page. But below first an example:
Sander de Vries (42) increasingly needs more time for his family and growing children. He is not making it all up and feels he has to keep all the signs in the air. Due to irregularity and pressure at home, he has already had to call in sick four times this year. Sander indicated that he wanted to fix the cause and that it actually lay in working fewer hours. The assumption was that this was not financially feasible, and for that reason Sander went ahead. However, after seeking financial advice, there appeared to be enough room to go from 40 to 32 hours. Sander thought in possibilities and ensured a balance between carrying capacity and load.
Stress, overwork and burnout: find the differences
Stress is tension that is part of our daily lives. It becomes unhealthy when the (impending) imbalance between a person’s load and load capacity is prolonged, frequent or severe.
Overworked: when there is a persistent imbalance between the load and load capacity (overload. but also underload), it can lead to impaired functioning. When we call in sick for several days to several months as a result, it is popularly called “being overworked.
Burnout: However, some people do not give in to the feeling of ever-increasing exhaustion and do not take the necessary rest. They persevere until they no longer have any energy to do so. They are then burned out; there is burnout.
Symptoms of burnout
The moment you suspect nurnout, it’s good to know exactly what it entails. The symptoms and complaints of burnout vary from person to person, and there is no single disease course. In burnout, symptoms of tension slowly increase. Eventually the so-called “battery” is empty; you are emotionally and physically exhausted. If you recognize the symptoms of burnout in time, you can prevent your symptoms from turning into burnout. The symptoms you are experiencing may seem harmless, but they are also symptoms of overwork and burnout. It is important to take these complaints seriously. You may think or hope that your symptoms will go away on their own, but this does not blow over on its own. If you recognize a burnout symptom, now is the time for you to prevent it from getting worse. The symptoms of burnout can be divided into psychological symptoms and physical symptoms.
Psychological symptoms
- Memory problems
- Indecision
- Uncertainty
- Low self-esteem
- Dejected
- Feeling rushed
- Being distrustful
- Anxiety and panic complaints
- Reacting cynically and feeling distanced from your work or family
- Easy crying
- Irritable: easily annoyed, getting angry or having a short fuse
- Concentration problems
Physical symptoms
- Depletion
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Heart palpitations
- Hyperventilation
- High blood pressure
- Tightness
- Insomnia
- vFatigue
- Quick flu
Getting out of bed in the morning can sometimes already feel like too heavy a step for you. It could also be that as a very athletic person, you suddenly don’t have the strength to go for a walk.
Causes of burnout
You get burnout from long-term overwork, stress that you can’t handle well and too little recovery. There are several causes for getting burnout and prolonged tension/stress. Knowing what causes it in you can help you prevent (worse) symptoms or recognize them early. Several causes of burnout are:
- Work Stress
- Perfectionism
- Living conditions
- Personal characteristics
- Surroundings
- Excessive physical exertion
- Social problems
- Chronic illness
- Uncertainty
- Negative self-image
Knowing what causes it in you can help you prevent (worse) symptoms or recognize them early.