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22% of workers in the Netherlands reluctantly go to work every day. This is the main finding of “The great job satisfaction survey of the Netherlands. “In the results, we further see that 62% of working Dutch do not exert themselves excessively in the workplace and even obtain their energy outside of work,” indicates trainer Frits Galle. The survey was conducted among 7,536 employees and is the first large-scale study on job satisfaction in the Netherlands. The study was commissioned by training and consulting firm PER4MANCE.
Galle: “Almost 10% of all participants structurally experience a lot of stress at work. In addition, the willingness to work hard for the boss turns out to be a utopia: 65% get little or no job satisfaction from working with their manager, many call them uninspiring. The boss himself also invests little in job satisfaction.”
Four types of employees emerge from the survey: Bruistas, Dimmers, Valve Pullers and the In-the-Put Thinkers. The book “I’m All Done with It” describes these types – and the impact of their behavior. “In particular, it is the Dimmers that cost BV Nederland so much money. Ensure that job satisfaction and energy are structurally placed on the agenda, the authors argue. Choose an open approach to start the conversation with each other, keep each other on their toes and take advantage of each other’s qualities.
Energy loss by manager
The survey further shows that over 50% of employees lose energy at work. A large number of employees report getting little job satisfaction or being bothered by all the changes in the organization. “We also asked how BV Nederland views their executive, and that revealed some rather shocking results,” Galle states. “For example, 9% of participants called their supervisor a softie and 11% even see their supervisor as a dictator. Mind you, employees determine how they perceive their supervisor, and that perception then determines how willingly and hard they are to work for someone. Employees check authenticity and sincerity in their supervisor.”
Job satisfaction by sector
The study also reveals unique insights into job satisfaction within various industries. This creates a cross-industry picture of job satisfaction in the Netherlands. “For example, we see that within the Financial Services sector, compliments are given much more than within the Transportation sector. The Government has the largest group of employees who lose energy during a workday, and within the Transportation sector, working well with the supervisor is a serious issue. At 11%, Government peaks with the number of employees who go to work reluctantly, fret a lot and experience continuous stress.”