Together we keep the labor market moving….

A great drama is playing out in the labor market in the Corona crisis. The job security of many employees is under enormous pressure, and large-scale job loss is imminent, with all the problems and costs to society. Especially now, it is important to be career competent and thus agile in the job market. The need and necessity for career guidance, support and advice has never been greater. OVAL and Noloc are calling on employers not to wait and see, but to deploy career counseling now. It is important that Minister Koolmees provide incentives to limit the damage.

Keep the labor market moving
The UWV reported 42% more WW benefits in March compared to February. A sample conducted among 150 HR professionals, conducted by Berenschot and AFAS, already shows a vacancy freeze at one in three organizations. There are signs that the corona crisis will continue to disrupt the labor market for now. This is worrisome. The one-half-meter society is the new reality. Career companies and career professionals are ready to help employees stay healthy and sustainably employable in these already complicated times. Members of OVAL and Noloc contribute with knowledge and experience to a labor market that keeps moving. They are there for employees who lose their jobs, are in danger of dropping out due to stress symptoms, are faced with new career questions or are facing radical development issues.

Encourage with Development Advice 45+ and SLIM scheme
Noloc and OVAL see an important role for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment to encourage employers to use career advice. On Jan. 10, 2020, the successful subsidy scheme that allowed all employed people aged 45 and older to take advantage of free development advice came to an end. OVAL and Noloc call on Minister Koolmees to reactivate the Development Advice 45+. Or better yet, make it a scheme for those over 40. They call on the minister to make it possible for the SLIM scheme to include workers threatened with unemployment due to the corona crisis and recommend that the application periods for the scheme be opened longer. For working people in the Netherlands, these incentives can mitigate the damage caused by job loss and, where necessary, ensure a good transition to other work for workers.

Source: OVAL and Noloc

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