‘Preventive and próactive. That works,” Renata Pijpers, (orthomolecular) coach at Panthion

‘It is pleasant working with Panthion. They are easily accessible and treat people with great care: both clients and coaches. They look very carefully at what someone needs, and which coach best suits that need. Not only in terms of knowledge and expertise, but also on a personal level. In my experience, this sets them apart from other agencies. Panthion is small enough in size to be personal and large enough to offer the right capacity. Partly because of this detailed matching, I have always had the right click with the employer I was introduced to. In short, it is a pleasant company with warm people. Not for nothing have I been working with them for about five years now.’ So says Renata Pijpers, founder of coaching practice 1 januari.nl and involved with Panthion as an (orthomolecular) coach and advisor. Together with clients, she sets to work to achieve set goals. From the cause she works towards a lasting result. That is what Renata stands for in her professional role and in her humanity.

How much energy is left?

‘Panthion engages me to help people struggling with low energy and/or burnout-like symptoms. I prefer to be involved at the earliest possible stage: preferably pre-actively. Together with people, I look at where they are, where they want to be, who they want to be, how they feel about going to work and, very importantly, how high their energy levels are. Both at the beginning and at the end of a working day. Because that indicates whether you are doing what makes you happy. Ultimately, you want people to work from their strengths,” Renata said.

Treating burnout from the physical component

‘Often I see burnout being approached by coaches primarily from the mental and emotional axis. While burnout also has a large physical component. For example, transition is frequently explained as burnout. If a broader view is taken and the correct cause is identified then recovery can take place much faster. An imbalance in the body can also cause various symptoms. I do not advocate band-aids, but rather focus on the body’s self-healing ability. This is also the reason why I often have a blood, saliva, or bowel test done, so that we can see, based on facts, what the physical condition of a person is. For example, when a person’s’ melatonin production is not well established, falling asleep at night is difficult. As a result, a person does not wake up rested and the day soon feels heavy. That can be the beginning of a downward spiral in a matter of days. Not sleeping through often has a different cause and thus requires a different approach.’

Knowing how you are put together as a human being is ónmissible for well-being

‘If you know how you are put together as a person, then you also know what lifestyle suits you well. In my pathways, I employ a neurotransmitter measurement to provide insight into its functioning. The coach and client then have an immediate picture of where the challenge lies and the state of recovery. This is one of the starting points of treatment.’

‘Furthermore, I often notice tremendous peace once people understand where certain behaviors come from. For example, when someone sets the bar very high and thus puts too much pressure on themselves, it helps if you understand where this is coming from. Often this is still a pattern from someone’s youth in which a feeling of not being good enough and therefore trying very hard to be seen positively played a role. If a client, now an adult, can see that these behaviors are no longer effective and are not helping in the current situation then that is the awareness and thus the first step to change.

When you further realize how much energy you have left, you can take targeted action. Through the measurement, this becomes visible. and depending on the energy leak, we make a plan together. That plan is customized. Furthermore, I believe in best of both worlds so both mainstream medical and complementary care.

The first half hour of the day is yours

‘Like to give one last tip; the first half hour of the day is yours. Fill that half hour with activities that energize you. That could be a run, reading a book, meditating or going for a walk. You have to organize this for yourself, so if necessary by getting up half an hour earlier. If you start your day this way it is guaranteed to give you more energy and less stress. I believe you keep your energy level higher if you are in control as much as possible, so don’t start your workday by opening your mail box first and being reactive. Start your workday with the activity that has the highest priority for you. So that you decide for yourself what is important to you instead of being led by the outside world,” Renata concludes.

For the hr manager, director or supervisor

While reading this, did you think of that one colleague? And have you been unconsciously wondering for some time whether he or she is really doing well? Discuss it in a light-hearted way. Or, if you may find this difficult yourself or need more help in guidance, contact us without obligation. We look forward to your message!

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