DISC Training & Coaching – Discover, understand and strengthen your communication style

DISC Training & Coaching – Discover, understand and strengthen your communication style

At Panthion, we believe that effective communication is the key to successful collaboration and personal growth. That’s why we offer DISC training for organizations and employees who want to understand how behavioral styles work together, how to communicate more influentially, and how to help teams perform better. What is DISC? DISC is a powerful behavioral…

Thought Leadership: Panthion as your partner in innovative HR solutions

Thought Leadership: Panthion as your partner in innovative HR solutions

In an ever-changing world where organizations face labor market tightness, complex HR challenges and constant pressure to perform, thought leadership is more important than ever. Thought leadership goes beyond expertise; it means setting a new standard, leading the industry and providing visionary solutions. At Panthion, we combine this vision with a unique promise: within 72…

The power of progress: Investing in HR during change

The power of progress: Investing in HR during change

Dear (HR) professional, The job market never stands still. As organizations continue to change, so do employee expectations. But at a time of growing recruitment, retention and sustainable employability challenges, we ask: Are you taking advantage of today’s opportunities to develop stronger, forward-looking HR policies? Current challenge: the “war for talent” intensifiesThe number of vacancies…

The secret to successful recruitment and selection: the Panthion approach

The secret to successful recruitment and selection: the Panthion approach

As an employer, you know how crucial it is to have the right people in the right places. After all, the success of your organization depends on it. But how do you find that perfect match? How do you make sure that new employees not only have the right skills, but also really fit your…

A quarter of Dutch people dissatisfied with his/her current job – Panthion offers solution!

A quarter of Dutch people dissatisfied with his/her current job – Panthion offers solution!

Recent research shows that as many as a quarter of Dutch people are not satisfied with their current jobs. Do you recognize this? Are there employees in your (HR) department where you notice that motivation lags and ambition has subsided? Perhaps they are “stuck” in a job that no longer fits or that they are…

The critical role of Human Resources and human capital in modern organizations

The critical role of Human Resources and human capital in modern organizations

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, recognizing and cultivating human capital is critical to the success of organizations. Human Resources (HR) plays a central role in strategically managing and developing this valuable human capital. Panthion, as a leading HR consulting firm, understands better than anyone how essential it is to invest in people and how…

7 things to negotiate when offered a job, according to an HR Expert

7 things to negotiate when offered a job, according to an HR Expert

Congratulations! You’ve just received a fantastic offer for your dream job. But did you know that accepting the first offer is not always the smartest move? From our expertise within HR and career issues, we can tell you that there is more room for negotiation than you might think. By negotiating strategically, you can not…

Attracting and retaining (top) talent: the key to success for any organization

Attracting and retaining (top) talent: the key to success for any organization

In today’s competitive marketplace, attracting and retaining top talent is one of the biggest challenges organizations face. Whether an SME or a multinational company, having the right people in the right place is crucial to the success of any business. In this article, we discuss proven strategies and tips for attracting and retaining top talent,…

10 Signs that indicate your current job may not be a good fit (anymore)

10 Signs that indicate your current job may not be a good fit (anymore)

Do you feel dissatisfied with your current job, but can’t put your finger on the exact problem? Your job may not be a good fit for you. Here are ten signs to watch out for, with tips to find your path to work happiness. And know, you are not alone. Panthion’s career counselors and job…

Why it is crucial to engage Panthion for recruitment & selection

Why it is crucial to engage Panthion for recruitment & selection

The search for the right talent is more challenging than ever in today’s competitive job market. Addressing HR recruitment in a professional manner is therefore not a luxury but a necessity. This is where Panthion comes in, an agency that excels at finding, assessing and attracting top HR and recruitment talent. Why outsource this essential…

Panthion: The game-changing consulting firm for organizations

Panthion: The game-changing consulting firm for organizations

Are you an HR Director looking for fresh and innovative solutions for your organization? Then you are in the right place! Meet Panthion, the consulting, HR and career services firm that helps medium to large organizations take their HR practices to the next level. And believe us, our approach is anything but standard. Why Panthion?…

Recruitment & Selection of HR professionals

Recruitment & Selection of HR professionals

Recruitment 2.0 : Why Panthion excels in this process We believe HR and recruitment can be different. Innovative, agile and influential. With professionals with guts who dare to break the status quo. With an eye for individuals and teams in the organization. Because people make the difference. By 2023, we achieved a 100% placement rate…

Panthion: Your partner in a proactive absenteeism approach and second-track management.

At a time when absenteeism is spiraling out of control nationwide and traditional health and safety services often stick to a reactive approach, Panthion and its sister company ViaMensa present an innovative approach to help employers regain control. Discover how our proactive and proven methods not only proactively manage sick leave, but also reduce it….

The critical importance of HR for SME organizations: An Investment in Success

In the dynamic world of SMEs, Human Resources (HR) takes center stage as a catalyst for success. While large companies often have extensive HR departments, the role of HR in SME organizations is at least as crucial, if not more important. This article takes an in-depth look at why SMBs cannot underestimate how an effective…

The Importance of Career Coaching and Outplacement for Individuals and Organizations: An In-Depth Exploration

In a dynamic and ever-changing job market, employers and employees face a variety of challenges. Career coaching and outplacement have proven to be valuable tools to address these challenges from both the employee’s and the organization’s perspective. In this article, we will highlight the benefits of career coaching and outplacement, with a special focus on…

IEMT: hoopvolle therapie om (langdurig) ziekteverzuim te verlagen

IEMT: hopeful therapy to reduce (long-term) sick leave

In een snel veranderende wereld is het van cruciaal belang om werknemers de juiste tools aan te reiken om met uitdagingen om te gaan, zowel op professioneel als persoonlijk vlak. Een van de meest effectieve methoden om emotionele blokkades aan te pakken is door middel van therapie. Twee van de meest prominente therapieën die momenteel…

‘Ziekteverzuim: alles draait om aandacht’, Nicoline Simonis, HR Specialist Verzuim en Re-integratie bij Arkin

‘Absenteeism: it’s all about attention,’ Nicoline Simonis, HR Specialist Absenteeism and Reintegration at Arkin

‘At Arkin, too, we recognize the national trend around sick leave. A trend that has started since the corona period. Fortunately, we see sick leave decreasing, albeit cautiously.’ Speaking is Nicoline Simonis, HR Specialist Absenteeism and Reintegration at Arkin, one of the larger mental health institutions in the Netherlands. One has a broad and varied…

Dit kun je morgen al doen om (langdurig) verzuim te voorkomen

Here’s what you can do tomorrow to prevent (long-term) absenteeism

Still far from all organizations, have established absenteeism policies. Not even those who are obliged to do so by laws and regulations. We help quite a few companies, organizations and local governments draw up good policies in that area, and sometimes the start of it is in very simple things, such as raising the threshold…

The Blue Zones: these are the lessons for a long and healthy life

The Blue Zones: these are the lessons for a long and healthy life

You may have seen the documentary on Netflix come up in recent weeks. Author Dan Buettner has traveled the world and discovered five unique communities where people not only grow very old, but also stay healthy for a very long time. The number of people living past 100 is significantly higher than in the rest…

Hidden absenteeism costs your organization money unnoticed: complaints, not (yet) absenteeism? A huge risk!

Hidden absenteeism costs your organization money unnoticed: complaints, not (yet) absenteeism? A huge risk!

When absenteeism within your organization is high, you are dealing with lost production. This brings with it costs and an increased workload for colleagues who are working. In practice, we often find that employers are concerned about the cost of sick leave. This is understandable, but at the same time it is good to realize…

Doing nothing can be very useful: this is the power of boredom

Doing nothing can be very useful: this is the power of boredom

In our modern society where everything sometimes seems to revolve around speed, productivity and constant stimulation, boredom is often seen as something negative, something to be avoided. People are constantly using their smartphones, social media and other forms of entertainment to stave off boredom. However, what if we told you that boredom can actually be…

Returning to work with vitality: here’s how to maintain the vacation spirit

Returning to work with vitality: here’s how to maintain the vacation spirit

Summer vacation is over, and it’s time to get back to work. But how do you make sure you don’t quickly forget the vacation feeling and start work full of energy and vitality? In this blog, we share valuable tips from Panthion to hold on to the vacation spirit and get back to work in…

How do you deal with lower staffing in the HR department?

How do you deal with lower staffing in the HR department?

The summer season is, for most people, still in full swing, which means many workers are enjoying well-deserved vacations and sunshine. However, this can be a challenge for HR departments, as staffing levels are often lower. Dealing effectively with lower staffing levels is crucial to ensuring that your HR processes continue to run smoothly and…

Managing absenteeism in the summer: here’s how to make sense of it

Managing absenteeism in the summer: here’s how to make sense of it

With summer in full swing, employees are enjoying well-deserved vacations to recharge and relax. While your team is enjoying this much-needed break, however, it can be a challenge to properly manage absenteeism, especially since the UWV does not account for vacations. In this blog, we discuss the issue of absenteeism during the summer as well…

‘Preventive and próactive. That works,” Renata Pijpers, (orthomolecular) coach at Panthion

‘Preventive and próactive. That works,” Renata Pijpers, (orthomolecular) coach at Panthion

‘It is pleasant working with Panthion. They are easily accessible and treat people with great care: both clients and coaches. They look very carefully at what someone needs, and which coach best suits that need. Not only in terms of knowledge and expertise, but also on a personal level. In my experience, this sets them…

‘From head to heart, then the rest will come naturally,’ Claudia Füss, coach for Panthion

‘From head to heart, then the rest will come naturally,’ Claudia Füss, coach for Panthion

‘When someone reports to me with burnout-related symptoms, I pay attention to four main lines. So says Claudia Füss, owner of a Life Questions and Leadership practice and experienced coach for Panthion. You can come to her if you are looking for a resting place to reinvent yourself, take better care of yourself, strengthen your…

‘Ultimately, attention is the key word,’ Ingrid Gödecke, HR consultant at Sdu

‘Ultimately, attention is the key word,’ Ingrid Gödecke, HR consultant at Sdu

Nationwide, a sharp rise in absenteeism can be observed, and in practice we see from Panthion that health and safety services often intervene too late. We have written several articles about this before. This time we would like to give the floor to Ingrid Gödecke, HR consultant at Sdu. The company is known as the…

Avoid these 5 pitfalls in SME absenteeism

By: Jennifer Lijcklama à Nijeholt of PWNetSource: PWNet Small and medium-sized businesses in particular, with limited available staff and resources, often struggle with proper absence management. What solutions can HR apply? Rik Berghout, owner of HR consultancy Panthion, and Tom van Ruler, absenteeism case manager, share common mistakes they see in SMEs. Both provide daily…

A recognizable glimpse into the head (and heart) of the HR consultant

A recognizable glimpse into the head (and heart) of the HR consultant

The alarm clock rings. You get up and take a shower. And there begins that gnawing feeling again. That feeling that you are losing your grip on your team’s employability. Naturally, your thoughts turn to that one colleague who has been home sick for months. It started with the flu, but it soon became clear…

Introvert or extrovert? It is both perféct!

Introvert or extrovert? It is both perféct!

‘Recently, we and the colleagues here read a great article in the FD. The title? Introvert with extrovert work. It was, at first, hard to suppress a smile. Though admittedly it was a smile from recognition, because just as within any organization, working at Panthion also professionals with introverted traits and qualities. One of our…

Major concerns over absenteeism, ‘workload incredibly high’

Major concerns over absenteeism, ‘workload incredibly high’

Headlined BNR this week. Over forty percent of SME entrepreneurs worry about high staff absenteeism. So concludes insurer Interpolis from a survey. ‘Many people are very loyal and keep working long hours while they have complaints,’ said Hans Biesheuvel, chairman of Ondernemend Nederland. High absenteeism has been going on for a while. Biesheuvel also concludes…

Absenteeism highest in 20 years, major concerns about dropout due to stress and burnout 

(Source: AD Jan. 19, 2023) Absenteeism among corporate and government employees rose to 4.8 percent last year. This is the highest rate in 20 years. Specifically, it means that out of every thousand working days, 48 were absent due to illness. In particular, psychological absenteeism is The number of Dutch people struggling with gloomy feelings,…

Promoting training & development with feedback

An employee feedback strategy offers HR departments a valuable opportunity to find out the extent to which employees believe they are well prepared and have the right skills to do their jobs. Moreover, it allows management to get an overall picture of what skills and abilities their employees still need to hone. This is particularly…

Benefits of outplacement: why is it important?

In recent weeks we have been reading more and more reports in the news about bankruptcies and (partial) reorganizations. Obviously a profound event for people and organizations. For this very reason, it is enormously important to (continue to) take good care of your (departing) employees. Reducing the workforce is not an easy choice. Both departing…

The numbers confirm the approach: mobility employment works.

It is not only an investment in your employee(s), but also a model of being a good employer. Take the test at the bottom of this article! What is mobility service again? Most HR consultants, directors and municipal secretaries within government, municipal, provincial, water board and security region are familiar with mobility service. Yet many…

Reducing absenteeism: 7 effective tips for employers!

In this news article, more on sick leave, reducing sick leave, preventing sick leave and practical tips for employers. 1 What exactly is sick leave? What exactly is sick leave? One definition of absenteeism is: absence from work due to illness. So, in fact, the word is not quite right. There is no neglect to be…

How do you prevent burnout within your organization?

Apply these 7 tips and prevent your employees from dropping out due to burnout Sometimes life is suddenly much harder: there are problems, something nasty has happened, or you get less support from those around you. When all of this combined demands more of you than you can handle, you become overloaded. You lose track…

How do you make employees sustainably employable? And what does that yield?

Sustainable employability: investment or wasted money? The rising state pension age makes it necessary for Dutch people to work longer and longer. To make this possible, they need to be and remain employable for (different) employers for longer. The focus here is on good, motivated and healthy work. What themes do you focus on: 1:…

1.3 million Dutch are sitting at home due to burnout

If existing solutions are not effective, how do you solve that as an employer? Each absentee employee incurs about €250 per day in costs. In our programs on vitality, (work) stress and burnout, we find that the combination of outside coaching and breathing training increases stress resistance, improves dealing with work pressure and shortens the…


Update: partnership ended in 2023. We now sponsor Ambulance Wish Foundation (link) Sustainable partnership with Justdiggit Sometimes as an entrepreneur you have those very special moments and this is one of them: we entered into a collaboration/partnership with Justdiggit since the first quarter of this year. This collaboration stems from my personal desire to enter…

Cooperation within my team is not optimal. How to move forward?

Giving and receiving feedback Giving and receiving feedback training could be an appropriate solution. Feedback is perhaps the most important fuel to keep a team going well. Through feedback, you create a learning team and therefore a learning organization. However, asking for, giving and receiving feedback is often not so obvious. Our feedback training is…

No grip on second track? Here we explain how to go about it.

Second track approach is truly a specialty Reintegration 2nd track is focused on work experience outside one’s own organization. It must then be clear that there are no possibilities to reintegrate the employee with the current employer: first-track reintegration. Reintegration 2nd track follows from the Gatekeeper Improvement Act. Reintegration second track is a legal obligation…

Burnout, a hype?

Cause & solutionBurnout is definitely not hype! Burnout is the final stage of a prolonged period of stress and (over)tension. This causes you to suffer from both physical and mental exhaustion. You literally feel “burned out. So burnout is not only a psychological problem, but also clearly felt in your body. Burnout is not only…

When do I fall through?

The headline of this article suggests an exciting cliffhanger, and the name of the “syndrome” we are discussing might cause a small smile for those unfamiliar with it. For us, a serious topic to bring to attention. Increasingly, we supervise young(er) highly educated professionals and observe in conversations that some professionals are stubbornly self-doubting. Fortunately,…

Free career path for government employees

Perhaps you have been considering another position within or outside the central government for some time and/or would like to advance to another position. Then you run into substantive and practical questions, where it can be very pleasant to spar with an experienced career counselor. For example, about the feasibility of your ambitions, how to…

Number of sick days due to workplace infection more than doubled

Need help with absenteeism or absence prevention? Then read on here: https://www.panthion.nl/re-integratie/ The average absenteeism rate rose to 4.6% in October 2021 (up from 4.2% in September). This is the largest increase since the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020. According to the health and safety service providers, the number of sick calls due to corona…

Attention to (home) workers

Especially in situations involving (more) home-based work, attention to vitality is hugely important! Our vitality coaches assist with burnout, career, lifestyle and employability issues. They ensure mentally and physically fit employees by bringing about structural changes in people’s behavior so that they feel better. More vital and balanced. Many times our coaches guide in the…

Coaching and training spaces throughout the country

Good accessibility for our clients and customers is hugely important to us. If we coach and/or train at a location other than the employer’s, we have several locations across the country, each with their own atmosphere. In this way we can offer (within a 15-minute drive from any location in the Netherlands) a quiet and…

Leadership Program

Last Thursday, Erwin Wupkes provided leadership training for one of our clients in #Rotterdam. Client, executives and trainer look back on a great training day. Wondering if we can also do something for your team’s development? Then check out: https://www.panthion.nl/training-en-coaching/

Nearly 9 in 10 employers worry about talent retention

As many as 7 in 10 companies are confident about their growth prospects for 2022. However, they do expect that it will be difficult to find qualified staff, as well as to retain current employees. This is according to recruitment firm Robert Half’s Salary Guide 2022, an annual survey of salaries, trends and changes in…

Panthion Interim HR Professional in the word

Interim HR professional : Esther Buitelaar;Number of years of HR experience : 12 years+;Region: The Hague-Rotterdam-Westland;Hours per week employed : 40+ How did you get into (interim) HR work?I already made a conscious choice for HR during my studies, because I think this field of work suits me very well. I started as a team…

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